You will need:
- 1 large eggplant
- 2-3 eggs
- Bread Crumbs: I like to use Progresso Italian bread crumbs
- 8oz bag of Italian blend cheese: This is normally a mixture of mozzarella and parmesan, I like to get the store brand and save a couple $$
- 12oz tub of Ricotta cheese
- 1/2 lb of Italian Sausage: I like to get spicy or hot, choose yours based on your tastes
- 1 14oz jar of spaghetti sauce: Get one you like the taste of, or in a pinch buy the $1.00 can and save some $
- Olive oil
- Cookie sheet
- Casserole dish or long cake pan
To prepare:
- Pre-heat your oven to 400
- First we have to prep our eggplant, cut your eggplant length-wise into 1/8-1/4 inch thick strips
- Drizzle olive oil on your cookie sheet
- Crack eggs and whisk in a bowl
- On a plate pour out one or two cups of bread crumbs
- Bread the eggplant by dipping it in the egg (allow excess egg to drip off), and then covering in bread crumbs. Place on your olive oiled cookie sheet
- Once your cookie sheet is filled with eggplant drizzle olive oil on your eggplant pieces and place in the oven
- Bake for about 5 minutes or until the bottom side of the eggplant is slightly brown. Flip your eggplant pieces and bake for another 5-10 minutes until the other side is brown. Repeat until all of your eggplant slices are browned
- While your eggplant is cooking: Brown italian sausage in a large skillet
- I like to get a crispy brown on my Italian sausage, but you can brown it to your taste
- Once your sausage is cooked mix in your spaghetti sauce and ricotta cheese: I like to mix them directly in my skillet to save a dish
The fun part for me is always in the assembly. You have should enough supplies to make two layers of eggplant and sauce
- Line the bottom of your casserole dish/cake pan with a layer of eggplant slices (it is alright if you have some gaps)
- Use half of your Italian sausage mixture on top of the eggplant
- Use 1/2 your bag of cheese for the next layer
- Repeat
Place your assembled dish in the oven for about 5-10 minutes until the Italian Cheese mixture is melted and you get a slight bowing on the top of your dish.
Take out of the oven, let cool down, and ENJOY!